Lot #6
Lot #8

Lot 7: Winchester Model 1886 Lever Action with Casehardened Receiver

Fine Special Order Winchester Model 1886 Lever Action Rifle in Desirable 45-90 W.C.F. with Factory Letter

Auction Location: Rock Island, IL

Auction Date: May 19, 2023

Lot 7: Winchester Model 1886 Lever Action with Casehardened Receiver

Fine Special Order Winchester Model 1886 Lever Action Rifle in Desirable 45-90 W.C.F. with Factory Letter

Auction Location: Rock Island, IL

Auction Date: May 19, 2023

Estimated Price: $7,500 - $9,500

Fine Special Order Winchester Model 1886 Lever Action Rifle in Desirable 45-90 W.C.F. with Factory Letter

Manufacturer: Winchester
Model: 1886
Type: Rifle
Gauge: 45-90 WCF
Barrel: 26 inch round
Finish: blue/casehardened
Stock: walnut
Item Views: 2418
Item Interest: Active
Serial Number:
Catalog Page: 8
Class: Antique

A fine example of an early production Winchester Model 1886 lever action rifle that was manufactured in 1887, the second year of production. The accompanying factory letter lists this rifle with a round barrel in .38-56 caliber (currently 45-90 WCF), plain trigger, Winchester Express sights, half magazine, and shotgun butt when received in the warehouse on December 5, 1887 and shipped the next day. The letter also states the rifle "returned [from] James Kerr and Company" and shipped on September 15, 1890. When the rifle returned to the factory the rifle was likely re-barreled. This rifle has a very desirable color casehardened receiver, forearm cap, and shotgun buttplate. Winchester used a casehardened finish on these components until 1901 when the case colors were replaced with a blue finish. The hammer, lever, and trigger are also color casehardened. The 26-inch round barrel and half-length magazine have a blue finish. The bolt and loading gate are a fiery niter blue. The stock and forearm are made of walnut with a lustrous oil finish. The barrel has a bead-in-blade front sight and three leaf adjustable rear dovetailed sight. The upper tang is factory drilled and tapped. The top of the barrel is marked with the two-line legend: "- MANUFACTURED BY THE-/-WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO. NEW HAVEN. CONN. U.S.A.-" ahead of the rear sight. The caliber designation: "45-90 W.C.F." is marked at the breech, along with British proof marks on the left side in the same area. Additional British proofs are stamped into the left side of the receiver and rear of the bolt body. The upper receiver tang is roll-stamped: "-MODEL 1886-". The 1884 and 1885 patent dates are stamped on the lower receiver tang behind the trigger. The serial number is roll-stamped in script numerals on the lower tang ahead of the rear tang screw.

Rating Definition:

Fine. The period factory replacement barrel retains 70% original blue finish with thinning to brown on the balance. The receiver and hammer retain 40% of their original case colors. The loading gate retains 80% of the niter blue finish while the bolt retains 90%. The wood is very good with numerous scattered minor to moderate dings and wear marks, mostly focused on the buttstock. Mechanically excellent. An attractive second year production Winchester Model 1886 lever action rifle.

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