This is one of only 276 .38 Winchester Double Action Revolvers S&W manufactured from 1900 to 1910. Adding to its rarity and desirability is the factory blue finish. This model was generally nickel plated. The top of the barrel rib has the two-line address/patent date information, the left side of the barrel is marked "38 WINCHESTER CTG," and the right side of the frame has the S&W logo. Matching serial numbers are found on the butt, right grip panel, cylinder, barrel and barrel latch. The accompanying factory letter states the revolver was shipped on March 24, 1903 and delivered to Judith Hardware Company, Lewistown, Montana.
Very fine, retaining 85% original blue finish with the balance a smooth gray patina. 95% original case colors remain on the hammer and trigger. The grips are also very fine with a period hand marked "H" on the bottom and crisp checkering overall. Mechanically excellent. A well above average condition blue finished S&W .38 Winchester DA revolver with Montana history. Provenance: The John Fox Collection.
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