This rifle was received in the Winchester warehouse on November 18, 1879, and shipped as part of order number 17738 the following day in rifle configuration with express chambering, 22 inch round barrel, plain trigger, checkered pistol grip stock with shotgun butt, 1/2 magazine, and casehardened receiver as detailed in the included factory letter. The rifle has the Second Model receiver with screw-fastened dust cover rail and dust cover with impressed oval "fingerprint." Made for the British market given the British "Crown/V," "Crown/CP" and "Lion/UBP" proofmarks stamped along the left side of the barrel below the rear sight and "Crown/V" proofmark stamped on the top of the receiver. The barrel has a standard sporting style front sight with nickel-silver blade and a sporting style buckhorn rear sight. The barrel, dust cover, loading gate and buttplate are blued, and the forearm cap, receiver, hammer, trigger and lever are color casehardened. The fancy grain walnut stock and forearm have a high polish piano finish. The bottom of the pistol grip has an ebony inlay. The top barrel flat is roll-stamped with the two-line legend: "WINCHESTER'S-REPEATING-ARMS. NEW HAVEN. CT./KING'S-IMPROVEMENT-PATENTED-MARCH 29.1866. OCTOBER 16. 1860." ahead of the rear sight. The caliber designation: ".50 CAL. EXPRESS" is hand engraved in one line on the top barrel flat between the rear sight and the receiver. The top of the dust cover is hand engraved: "WINCHESTER EXPRESS/50 CAL 95 GRS" in two lines. " MODEL 1876." is stamped in fancy letters on the upper receiver tang. "50-95" is stamped in script numerals on the bottom of the cartridge elevator. The serial number, "9784", is stamped in small script numerals across the bottom of the lower tang behind the lever latch. The combination of 22 inch short rifle barrel with half-magazine, express cartridge chambering, casehardened receiver, and deluxe pistol grip stock and forearm was intended for the British market and is a rare on a Model 1876 Winchester rifle.
Exceptionally fine. The rifle is all original and retains more than 90% of the blue and 75% plus color casehardened finish. The barrel has about 90% of the English blue finish with some small spots of scattered surface discoloration and some thinning on the top of the barrel near the rear sight. The barrel legend, caliber designation and proofmarks are all sharp. The dust cover retains more than 90% of the high polish blue finish. Nearly all of the blue finish is present on the loading gate. The buttplate shows moderate wear and has about 30% of the blue finish. The forearm cap, receiver, hammer, trigger and lever retain at least 95% of the color casehardened finish. The receiver and side plates have vivid case colors. Wear is limited to some slight dulling in the finish on the right front and bottom of the receiver. The highly figured, fancy grain stock and forearm remain in excellent condition and retain about 95% of the high polish piano finish. The checkered panels on the pistol grip and forearm are sharp. Wear is limited to a few scattered and very minor handling marks. This is an excellent example of a scarce Winchester Deluxe Model 1876 Short Rifle chambered for the .50-95 Winchester Express cartridge.
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