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Manufactured in 1941 and subsequently upgraded with a 4x scope in an identical configuration to the John F. Kennedy assassination attributed "Mannlicher-Carcano" carbine (serial number C2766) which was known to have been mail ordered in this same configuration from retailer Klein's Sporting Goods by accused shooter Lee Harvey Oswald. This "Mannlicher-Carcano" carbine offered (serial number BS6687) was reportedly from the family of Monty C. Lutz (1937-2022), who was a prominent firearms and ballistic expert that testified in 1978 on behalf of the United States House of Representatives Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) in the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. During his more than 40 year long noteworthy career, Monty C. Lutz worked as the expert on numerous firearms related cases for the government and military including John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jr., James Oswald, the Mai Lai massacre, the Larencia Bembenek murder trial (told in the movie "Run Bambi Run"), and a number of other high profile cases. While running a crime lab in Fort Gordon, Georgia, Monty Lutz reportedly worked with Sionics and Mitchell L. WerBel III on the silencer for the MAC-10 submachine gun, he also worked with the CIA to help take down Castro in the 1970s, worked with Harley Davidson on serial number restoration that helped bring down the Hell’s Angels in Milwaukee, and several plaques recognize Monty C. Lutz's work as Safety Advisor for the Shot Show for over 25 years. This exact carbine offered was featured in the courtroom in the 1986 movie "On Trial: Lee Harvey Oswald", in which surviving witnesses are recalled to determine the guilt or innocence of the man believed to have murdered President John F. Kennedy, starring Monty C. Lutz played by himself, Vincent Bugliosi, Gerry Spence and other real life characters acting as themselves. Accompanying letters and an export document indicates Monty C. Lutz, listed as Chief Firearm Analyst of the Wisconsin State Crime Laboratory, exported this exact carbine, serial number BS6687, on July 18, 1986 to "London Weekend Television, South Bank Television Centre" for use in the aforementioned movie. A binder that contains related correspondence between Monty C. Lutz and London Weekend Television in relation to his work on the film is included, along with an original 1986 issued passport of Monty C. Lutz. This carbine is also accompanied by numerous documents and artifacts in reference to the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, and Martin Luther King Jr., including personal notes, photographs, a photograph of the nationwide newspaper image of Monty C. Lutz holding the J.F.K. assassination "Mannlicher-Carcano" carbine, and 9 related extensive bound book firearms evidence reports related to the cases worked on by Monty C. Lutz. The HSCA completed its investigation in 1978 and issued its final report in 1979, which concluded that John F. Kennedy “was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy.” However, the HSCA's conclusion challenged the Warren Commission's conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald was the only shooter, and further stated that it was unable to identify the other gunman or the extent of the conspiracy. In addition to acoustic analysis of a police channel dictabelt recording, the HSCA also commissioned a number of other scientific studies of assassination-related evidence that corroborate the Warren Commission's findings. The HSCA also concluded that there was a "likelihood” King was also assassinated “as a result of a conspiracy." Monty C. Lutz’s report differed from the final conclusion of the HSCA, in which he agreed with the conclusion of the 1964 Warren Commission in that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone using a 6.5 mm bolt action "Mannlicher-Carcano" carbine in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963. Also included is a display case for the carbine, four metal Carcano clips, a box of spent .30-06 casings and a few fired test bullets from the Remington Model 760 used in the Martin Luther King Jr. assassination, a thumb drive with related photos and videos, a wax seal, and a framed presentation to Monty C. Lutz for his work on the Firearms Panel investigating the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, presented to him by the HSCA on September 8, 1978. This carbine is fitted with a Ordnance Optics Inc. 4x18 scope, with the serial number "BS6687" marked on the upper left chamber area of the barrel, caliber marking on top of the rear sight, and "8747" on the left of the buttstock. Includes a brown leather sling. Provenance: The Monty C. Lutz Collection; Property of a Gentleman
Fine, retains 70% original blue finish with some areas of spotting and smooth brown patina. Stock is very good as sanded and re-oiled, with a few scattered dents and light scratches. Mechanically excellent. Scope is very fine, with lightly hazy but clear viewable optics. This historic rifle and its accompanying artifacts, formerly owned by noted ballistics expert Monty Lutz, would make a very fine addition to any museum or historical firearms collection! Recent declassification of the FBI files on this subject make this a timely offering!
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