This is a fine example of a desirable Volcanic Arms Company No. 1 pocket pistol with the very rare 6 inch barrel and deluxe grips. This rare pistol is accompanied by a letter from R. L. Wilson who describes the facts surrounding this rare pistol; 1) it does not include any factory name or address; 2) it was fitted with a set of two-piece deluxe grips, 3) the frame and side plates were polished but never engraved nor plated, which would have been done after it was engraved. Numerous companies in the past have sold both rifles and pistol in what has been termed "in the white" or "soft" condition for engraving or embellishment by outside artisans. Consequently, Wilson's theory is that this specific pistol is one of those guns and for some reason just was never completed. Normally with this serial number range the barrel would have been marked with the New Haven Arms Co. markings which was used after April 1897. It is estimated that only approximately 225 No. 1 pocket pistols with 6 inch barrels were ever manufactured. The pistol has a blued octagon barrel with integral magazine, brass pocket pistol-size receiver, casehardened hammer, blued loading lever with finger hole and a set of two-piece deluxe grips. The barrel is fitted with a nickel-silver cone front sight, and a dovetailed rear sight is fitted to the top of the receiver. Serial number "940" is stamped on the right side of the cocking lever and the lower left side of the frame under the grips.
Fine with some very light traces of the blue in the protected areas, previously polished receiver/side plates with attractive aged patina, an aged slightly yellow patina on the grips along with age cracks at the butt, and generally minor overall wear from age and storage. This is a very nice looking and certainly very scarce New Haven Arms Volcanic pistol.
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