Lot #192
Lot #194

Lot 193: Three Antique American Percussion Revolvers

Auction Location: Rock Island, IL

Auction Date: June 21, 2023

Lot 193: Three Antique American Percussion Revolvers

Auction Location: Rock Island, IL

Auction Date: June 21, 2023

Estimated Price: $1,100 - $1,700

A) Allen & Wheelock "Providence Police" Revolver with Rare Longer Barrel

Manufacturer: Allen & Wheelock
Model: Providence Police
Type: Revolver
Gauge: 36
Barrel: 4 7/8 inch octagon
Finish: blue
Grip: walnut
Item Views: 1265
Item Interest: Average
Serial Number:
Class: Antique
Bore Condition: Slight Darkening - Light to moderate pitting

OF - FAIR- some major parts replaced; minor replacement parts may be required; metal rusted, may be lightly pitted all over, vigorously cleaned; rounded edges of metal and wood; principal lettering, numerals and design on metal partly obliterated; wood scratched, bruised, cracked or repaired where broken; in fair working order or can be easily repaired and placed in working order.


One of around 700 manufactured c. late 1850s to early 1860s.

B) Allen & Wheelock Sidehammer Pocket Revolver

Manufacturer: Allen & Wheelock
Model: Side Hammer
Type: Revolver
Gauge: 28
Barrel: 4 inch octagon
Finish: blue
Grip: walnut
Item Views: 1265
Serial Number:
Class: Antique
Bore Condition: Slight Darkening - Light to moderate pitting

OE - GOOD - some minor replacement parts; metal smoothly rusted or lightly pitted in places, cleaned; principal lettering, numerals and design on metal legible; lightly scratched, bruised or minor cracks repaired; in good working order.


Manufactured c.1858-1861.

C) James Warner Pocket Percussion Revolver

Manufacturer: James Warner
Model: Percussion
Type: Revolver
Gauge: 28
Barrel: 3 inch octagon
Finish: blue
Grip: rosewood
Item Views: 1265
Serial Number:
Class: Antique
Bore Condition: Very Dark - Heavy pitting throughout

OF - FAIR- some major parts replaced; minor replacement parts may be required; metal rusted, may be lightly pitted all over, vigorously cleaned; rounded edges of metal and wood; principal lettering, numerals and design on metal partly obliterated; wood scratched, bruised, cracked or repaired where broken; in fair working order or can be easily repaired and placed in working order.


First Model. Only around 500 manufactured c. 1857-1860s. Top strap repaired.

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