OD - VERY GOOD- all original parts; none to 30% original finish; original metal surfaces smooth with all edges sharp; clear lettering, numerals and design on metal; wood slightly scratched or bruised.
Manufactured in 1862. The receiver features a highly attractive custom engraving covering much of the brass surfaces. The engraving consists mostly of floral scrollwork on a punch dot background along with floral blossoms and checkerboard patterns. The scrollwork extends to the buttplate tang. The rifle has a blade front sight, a folding ladder rear sight with 900 yard center notch, and an empty sight dovetail on the receiver. The barrel flat has the two-line Henry's patent/New Haven address legend ahead of the rear sight. The serial number "826" is stamped on the barrel flat, the three tang screws, left side of the lower tang, stock inlet, the two buttplate screws, and buttplate. Although a limited number of Henry Rifles were purchased by the Federal government during the Civil War the majority of wartime New Haven Arms' Henry Rifles were privately purchased by individual soldiers. Most Henry Rifles were used in the Civil War and many of these rifles and the post war-production Henry Rifles subsequently saw hard use in the frontier west.
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