Lot #1177
Lot #1179

Lot 1178: Two Side by Side Percussion Shotguns

Two Side by Side Percussion Shotguns

Auction Location: Rock Island, IL

Auction Date: June 30, 2013

Lot 1178: Two Side by Side Percussion Shotguns

Two Side by Side Percussion Shotguns

Auction Location: Rock Island, IL

Auction Date: June 30, 2013

Estimated Price: $500 - $800

A) Charles Osborne London Shotgun

Manufacturer: English
Model: Side By Side
Type: Shotgun
Gauge: 12
Barrel: 33 inch solid rib
Finish: brown
Stock: walnut
Item Views: 1192
Serial Number:
Catalog Page: 112
Class: Antique

OD - VERY GOOD- all original parts; none to 30% original finish; original metal surfaces smooth with all edges sharp; clear lettering, numerals and design on metal; wood slightly scratched or bruised.


Open chokes, 14" LOP.

B) "Hapgood Boston" Marked 10 Gauge Shotgun

Manufacturer: Unknown
Model: Side by Side
Type: Shotgun
Gauge: 10
Barrel: 30 inch solid rib
Finish: brown
Stock: walnut
Item Views: 1192
Serial Number:
Catalog Page: 112
Class: Antique

OG - POOR- major or minor parts replaced; major replacement parts required and extensive restoration needed; metal deeply pitted; principal lettering, numerals and design obliterated, wood badly scratched, bruised, cracked or broken; mechanically inoperative; generally undesirable as a collectors firearm in its present state.


Open and Modified chokes, 14 1/4" LOP.

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